Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/debian/wmsysmon 1 Development 2015-08-24 23:05:56 UTC
7. * debian/control - Update Vcs-* fie...

Author: Doug Torrance
Revision Date: 2015-08-24 23:05:56 UTC

* debian/control
  - Update Vcs-* fields.
  - Set Debian Window Maker Team as Maintainer; move myself to
    Uploaders with updated email address.
* debian/{copyright,patches}
  - Update email address.

lp://staging/debian/stretch/wmsysmon 1 Development 2015-08-24 23:05:56 UTC
7. * debian/control - Update Vcs-* fie...

Author: Doug Torrance
Revision Date: 2015-08-24 23:05:56 UTC

* debian/control
  - Update Vcs-* fields.
  - Set Debian Window Maker Team as Maintainer; move myself to
    Uploaders with updated email address.
* debian/{copyright,patches}
  - Update email address.

lp://staging/debian/wheezy/wmsysmon 1 Development 2011-02-13 13:36:10 UTC
5. * Added the watch file * Deleted auto...

Author: Luca Bedogni
Revision Date: 2007-08-16 16:09:43 UTC

* Added the watch file
* Deleted automatic strip (Closes: #438276)
* Modified debian/menu to move application in Apps/System/Monitoring
* Modified debian/changelog for not ignoring errors on make clean.

lp://staging/debian/lenny/wmsysmon 2 Mature 2009-08-15 05:57:41 UTC
5. * Added the watch file * Deleted auto...

Author: Luca Bedogni
Revision Date: 2007-08-16 16:09:43 UTC

* Added the watch file
* Deleted automatic strip (Closes: #438276)
* Modified debian/menu to move application in Apps/System/Monitoring
* Modified debian/changelog for not ignoring errors on make clean.

lp://staging/debian/squeeze/wmsysmon 1 Development 2009-08-15 05:52:24 UTC
5. * Added the watch file * Deleted auto...

Author: Luca Bedogni
Revision Date: 2007-08-16 16:09:43 UTC

* Added the watch file
* Deleted automatic strip (Closes: #438276)
* Modified debian/menu to move application in Apps/System/Monitoring
* Modified debian/changelog for not ignoring errors on make clean.

15 of 5 results