Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/debian/stretch/libpaper 1 Development 2015-05-28 00:25:17 UTC
10. * Non-maintainer upload. * Fix ""Mult...

Author: gregor herrmann
Revision Date: 2014-11-01 14:35:13 UTC

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix ""Multi-Arch: same" but postrm removes arch-independent
  Guard removal of /etc/papersize in libpaper1.postrm with check for
  DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE_REFCOUNT; depend on dpkg (>= 1.17.2).
  Thanks to Ivo De Decker for the proposal.
  (Closes: #682420)
* Debconf template translations:
  - new: Polish, thanks Michał Kułach, closes: #658159
  - updated: Turkish, thanks Atila KOÇ, closes: #688293

lp://staging/debian/jessie/libpaper 1 Development 2014-11-01 14:35:13 UTC
10. * Non-maintainer upload. * Fix ""Mult...

Author: gregor herrmann
Revision Date: 2014-11-01 14:35:13 UTC

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix ""Multi-Arch: same" but postrm removes arch-independent
  Guard removal of /etc/papersize in libpaper1.postrm with check for
  DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE_REFCOUNT; depend on dpkg (>= 1.17.2).
  Thanks to Ivo De Decker for the proposal.
  (Closes: #682420)
* Debconf template translations:
  - new: Polish, thanks Michał Kułach, closes: #658159
  - updated: Turkish, thanks Atila KOÇ, closes: #688293

lp://staging/debian/libpaper 1 Development 2014-11-01 14:35:13 UTC
10. * Non-maintainer upload. * Fix ""Mult...

Author: gregor herrmann
Revision Date: 2014-11-01 14:35:13 UTC

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix ""Multi-Arch: same" but postrm removes arch-independent
  Guard removal of /etc/papersize in libpaper1.postrm with check for
  DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE_REFCOUNT; depend on dpkg (>= 1.17.2).
  Thanks to Ivo De Decker for the proposal.
  (Closes: #682420)
* Debconf template translations:
  - new: Polish, thanks Michał Kułach, closes: #658159
  - updated: Turkish, thanks Atila KOÇ, closes: #688293

lp://staging/debian/wheezy/libpaper 1 Development 2012-05-02 17:52:10 UTC
8. * Add multiarch support (Closes: #649...

Author: Wookey
Revision Date: 2012-05-02 17:52:10 UTC

* Add multiarch support (Closes: #649672)
* Fix option-parsing headers for non-linux OSes (Closes: #542851)
* Correct DL size in paperconf (Closes: #475683)

lp://staging/debian/squeeze/libpaper 1 Development 2010-04-24 14:13:52 UTC
6. Small changes to simplify portability...

Author: Giuseppe Sacco
Revision Date: 2010-04-24 14:13:52 UTC

Small changes to simplify portability (Closes: #578884, #578885, #578886, #578887)

lp://staging/debian/lenny/libpaper 1 Development 2009-07-03 14:05:19 UTC
4. * Non-maintainer upload to fix pendin...

Author: Christian Perrier
Revision Date: 2008-05-28 07:45:35 UTC

* Non-maintainer upload to fix pending l10n issues.
* Debconf translations:
  - Finnish. Closes: #448419
  - Basque. Closes: #485430
* [Lintian] No longer ignore errors by "make distclean"
* [Lintian] Make the package binNMUable by replacing ${Source-Version}
  by ${binary:Version} in dependencies
* [Lintian] drop (invalid) NEWS.Debian file that documents a very old

16 of 6 results