Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/debian/iceape 1 Development 2012-03-18 09:38:55 UTC
37. * debian/rules: Avoid building l10n o...

Author: Mike Hommey
Revision Date: 2012-03-18 09:38:55 UTC

* debian/rules: Avoid building l10n on binary-arch.
* mozilla/gfx/angle/src/compiler/Types.h: Include cstdlib for abort().
  Should fix FTBFSes.

lp://staging/debian/wheezy/iceape 1 Development 2012-02-17 17:06:56 UTC
35. * New upstream release. Addresses CVE...

Author: Mike Hommey
Revision Date: 2012-02-17 17:06:56 UTC

* New upstream release. Addresses CVE-2011-3026.
* ldap/sdks/c-sdk/ldap/include/portable.h,
  ldap/sdks/c-sdk/ldap/libraries/libldap/compat.c: Don't use strlcpy on
  kFreeBSD and Hurd. Closes: #659743.
* Port bz#528687 to fix FTBFS on mips*.

* debian/rules: Disable methodjit on armel, and define __ARM_PCS.
* debian/watch: Refreshed.

lp://staging/debian/squeeze/iceape 1 Development 2011-11-08 23:02:28 UTC
25. Fixes for mfsa2011-{46-47,49}, also k...

Author: Mike Hommey
Revision Date: 2011-11-08 23:02:28 UTC

Fixes for mfsa2011-{46-47,49}, also known as
CVE-2011-3647, CVE-2011-3648, CVE-2011-3650.

lp://staging/debian/lenny/iceape 2 Mature 2009-08-08 09:06:14 UTC
5. * Non-maintainer upload. * Drop all ...

Author: Moritz Mühlenhoff
Revision Date: 2009-01-25 19:27:34 UTC

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Drop all binary packages except iceape-dev and iceape-dev-bin.
  Debian doesn't have the necessary volunteer resources to support Iceape
  for Lenny. Unfortunately we can't drop Iceape completely that late in the
  release cycle, since a few packages have build dependencies on Xulrunner
  1.8, but it mitigates the problem a lot. (Closes: #511477)
* Build, and into the
  iceape-dev-bin binary package and add a Conflicts on iceape-browser

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