Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/debian/stretch/gnome-system-tools 1 Development 2015-05-27 11:37:50 UTC
17. * New maintainer (Closes: #764266) [...

Author: LStranger
Revision Date: 2014-10-10 18:34:45 UTC

* New maintainer (Closes: #764266)

[ Vlad Orlov ]
* dont-ignore-oobsresult.patch: new patch. Don't ignore OobsResult in a
  callback function, show the message dialog instead (Closes: #761824).

[ Thaddäus Tintenfisch ]
* Add 12_fix_exit.patch: Drop unneeded g_object_unref call to fix a
  segmentation fault on exit after a new user has been created.
  Adjust gst_users_tool_finalize to fix some warnings/error messages
  (Closes: #729477).

[ Andriy Grytsenko ]
* debian/control:
  - Lower the relations with gnome-control-center to Suggests
    (Closes: #753701).
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (Fixes lintian warning).
  - Remove invalid statements from (Fixes lintian
    error pkg-config-bad-directive).
  - Remove Vcs-* fields due to package adoption, new ones will be added later.
  - Remove system-tools-backends from Depends: liboobs depends on it instead.
  - Add alternative for policykit-1-gnome: mate-polkit.
* debian/copyright:
  - Change to a machine-readable format (for lintian).

lp://staging/debian/jessie/gnome-system-tools 1 Development 2014-10-10 18:34:45 UTC
17. * New maintainer (Closes: #764266) [...

Author: LStranger
Revision Date: 2014-10-10 18:34:45 UTC

* New maintainer (Closes: #764266)

[ Vlad Orlov ]
* dont-ignore-oobsresult.patch: new patch. Don't ignore OobsResult in a
  callback function, show the message dialog instead (Closes: #761824).

[ Thaddäus Tintenfisch ]
* Add 12_fix_exit.patch: Drop unneeded g_object_unref call to fix a
  segmentation fault on exit after a new user has been created.
  Adjust gst_users_tool_finalize to fix some warnings/error messages
  (Closes: #729477).

[ Andriy Grytsenko ]
* debian/control:
  - Lower the relations with gnome-control-center to Suggests
    (Closes: #753701).
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (Fixes lintian warning).
  - Remove invalid statements from (Fixes lintian
    error pkg-config-bad-directive).
  - Remove Vcs-* fields due to package adoption, new ones will be added later.
  - Remove system-tools-backends from Depends: liboobs depends on it instead.
  - Add alternative for policykit-1-gnome: mate-polkit.
* debian/copyright:
  - Change to a machine-readable format (for lintian).

lp://staging/debian/gnome-system-tools 1 Development 2014-10-10 18:34:45 UTC
17. * New maintainer (Closes: #764266) [...

Author: LStranger
Revision Date: 2014-10-10 18:34:45 UTC

* New maintainer (Closes: #764266)

[ Vlad Orlov ]
* dont-ignore-oobsresult.patch: new patch. Don't ignore OobsResult in a
  callback function, show the message dialog instead (Closes: #761824).

[ Thaddäus Tintenfisch ]
* Add 12_fix_exit.patch: Drop unneeded g_object_unref call to fix a
  segmentation fault on exit after a new user has been created.
  Adjust gst_users_tool_finalize to fix some warnings/error messages
  (Closes: #729477).

[ Andriy Grytsenko ]
* debian/control:
  - Lower the relations with gnome-control-center to Suggests
    (Closes: #753701).
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (Fixes lintian warning).
  - Remove invalid statements from (Fixes lintian
    error pkg-config-bad-directive).
  - Remove Vcs-* fields due to package adoption, new ones will be added later.
  - Remove system-tools-backends from Depends: liboobs depends on it instead.
  - Add alternative for policykit-1-gnome: mate-polkit.
* debian/copyright:
  - Change to a machine-readable format (for lintian).

lp://staging/debian/wheezy/gnome-system-tools 1 Development 2011-11-24 20:55:06 UTC
15. * debian/patches/62_no_gettext.patch:...

Author: Michael Biebl
Revision Date: 2011-11-24 20:55:06 UTC

* debian/patches/62_no_gettext.patch:
  - Updated. Fix GETTEXT_PACKAGE variable substitution so the translations
    are installed under the correct name. Closes: #647511

lp://staging/debian/squeeze/gnome-system-tools 1 Development 2010-09-27 14:18:04 UTC
13. * debian/ - Remove crack...

Author: Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
Revision Date: 2010-09-27 14:18:04 UTC

* debian/
  - Remove cracklib2-dev from Build-Depends, it's not used since 2003.
    Closes: #598172.

lp://staging/debian/lenny/gnome-system-tools 2 Mature 2009-12-05 20:53:38 UTC
5. * Backport a pair of RC bug fixes. ...

Author: Josselin Mouette
Revision Date: 2009-11-14 17:10:40 UTC

* Backport a pair of RC bug fixes.
  + 26_users_home_dir.patch: patch from Ubuntu to allow changing root
    properties without making /home/root the new home directory.
    Closes: #488252.
  + 85_users_fix_add_group.patch: patch from Ubuntu to always allow to
    create groups. Closes: #488249.

16 of 6 results