Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/debian/stretch/fdupes 1 Development 2015-05-25 20:46:58 UTC
8. * New upstream release * debian/watch...

Author: Sandro Tosi
Revision Date: 2014-01-22 23:40:39 UTC

* New upstream release
* debian/watch
  - point to Google Code
* debian/patches/*
  - removed patches applied upstream
* debian/control
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed)
  - use canonical URL for Alioth
  - add Multiarch metadata to allow cross build-dependencies; thanks to Wookey
    for the report and patch; Closes: #693822
* debian/rules
  - migrated to dh sequencer
* debian/{rules, patches/80-bts719246-set-CC-to-allow-cross-compilation.patch}
  - allow to pass the CC compiler to allow for cross-compilation; thanks to
    Eleanor Chen for the report and patch; Closes: #719246

lp://staging/debian/jessie/fdupes 1 Development 2014-01-22 23:40:39 UTC
8. * New upstream release * debian/watch...

Author: Sandro Tosi
Revision Date: 2014-01-22 23:40:39 UTC

* New upstream release
* debian/watch
  - point to Google Code
* debian/patches/*
  - removed patches applied upstream
* debian/control
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed)
  - use canonical URL for Alioth
  - add Multiarch metadata to allow cross build-dependencies; thanks to Wookey
    for the report and patch; Closes: #693822
* debian/rules
  - migrated to dh sequencer
* debian/{rules, patches/80-bts719246-set-CC-to-allow-cross-compilation.patch}
  - allow to pass the CC compiler to allow for cross-compilation; thanks to
    Eleanor Chen for the report and patch; Closes: #719246

lp://staging/debian/fdupes 1 Development 2014-01-22 23:40:39 UTC
8. * New upstream release * debian/watch...

Author: Sandro Tosi
Revision Date: 2014-01-22 23:40:39 UTC

* New upstream release
* debian/watch
  - point to Google Code
* debian/patches/*
  - removed patches applied upstream
* debian/control
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed)
  - use canonical URL for Alioth
  - add Multiarch metadata to allow cross build-dependencies; thanks to Wookey
    for the report and patch; Closes: #693822
* debian/rules
  - migrated to dh sequencer
* debian/{rules, patches/80-bts719246-set-CC-to-allow-cross-compilation.patch}
  - allow to pass the CC compiler to allow for cross-compilation; thanks to
    Eleanor Chen for the report and patch; Closes: #719246

lp://staging/debian/wheezy/fdupes 1 Development 2012-06-17 21:46:25 UTC
7. [ Sandro Tosi ] * debian/patches/50_b...

Author: Sandro Tosi
Revision Date: 2012-06-17 21:46:25 UTC

[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/patches/50_bts284274_hardlinkreplace.dpatch
  - disabled, since it's losing data if files are on different filesystems;
    thanks to Mike Hommey for the report; Closes: #677419

[ Jari Aalto ]
* Remove deprecated dpatch and upgrade to packaging format "3.0 quilt".
* Update to Standards-Version to 3.9.3 and debhelper to 9.
* Add build-arch and build-indep targets; use dh_prep in rules file.
* Closes: #669607

lp://staging/debian/squeeze/fdupes 1 Development 2010-05-29 10:08:59 UTC
6. * debian/control - updated Homepage...

Author: Sandro Tosi
Revision Date: 2010-05-29 10:08:59 UTC

* debian/control
  - updated Homepage field
  - updated upstream location
  - added Vcs-* fields (now using Git on
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed)
  - added ${misc:Depends} to Depends
* debian/patches/50_bts284274_hardlinkreplace.dpatch
  - added -L / --linkhard to make fdupes replace files with hardlinks. Also
    update the manual page; thanks to Rupert Levene for the report and to
    Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña for the patch; Closes: #284274
* debian/patches/60_bts544568_fix_memleaks.dpatch
  - fix memory leaks in main(); thanks to jbdenis for the report and patch;
    Closes: #544568
* debian/patches/70_bts537138_disambiguate_recurse.dpatch
  - disambiguate the options '--recurse' and '--recurse:' ; thanks to Pietro
    Battiston for the report; Closes: #537138
* debian/source/format
  - set explicitly version 1.0 source format

lp://staging/debian/lenny/fdupes 2 Mature 2009-07-09 06:41:58 UTC
4. * Adopting package (Closes: #469883) ...

Author: Sandro Tosi
Revision Date: 2008-03-18 23:22:29 UTC

* Adopting package (Closes: #469883)
* New upstream release (Closes: #469812)
* debian/control
  - set myself as maintainer
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3
  - set debhelper versioned build-dep >= 5
  - remove capitalization from short description
  - reformat long description
  - added dpatch build-dep
  - added Homepage field
* debian/compat
  - created with value 5
* debian/copyright
  - clearly separate (and indented with 4 spaces) upstream author, copyright
    and license notices
  - reformatted header: "debianized by" and upstream website
  - reformatted legal info for md5 files
* debian/rules
  - removed DH_COMPAT
  - commented out DH_VERBOSE
  - no longer ignore clean error (lintian warning)
  - removed commented dh_* calls
  - program installation now is done using Makefile
  - removed unneeded dh_* call
  - reformat input parameters for dh_* calls
  - added dpatch stuff
  - using dh_installman now
* debian/patches/01_restore_pristine_code.dpatch
  - added to restore pristine upstream code
  - edited to adapt to new upstrem release
* debian/watch
  - added
* debian/patches/10_bts353789_manpage_typo.dpatch
  - added to fix a typo in the manpage; thanks to A Costa; (Closes: #353789)
* debian/patches/20_bts447601_lfs_support.dpatch
  - added to support LFS (files > 2GB); thanks to Andrew Vaughan; (Closes:
* debian/patches/05_fix_makefile.dpatch
  - added to fix upstream Makefile
* debian/patches/07_fix_manpage.dpatch
  - added to escape minus signs in manpage (lintian warning)

16 of 6 results