
Created by Raoul Snyman and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~raoul-snyman/openlp/fix-songusage-2.4
Only Raoul Snyman can upload to this branch. If you are Raoul Snyman please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Raoul Snyman

Recent revisions

2671. By Raoul Snyman

Fix initialisation of song usage dates

2670. By Raoul Snyman

Removed a print statement

2669. By Raoul Snyman

Fix the names of the songusage default settings

2668. By Raoul Snyman

We're getting quite a few support tickets from people who think the Projector Manager is for setting up OpenLP's display. Hiding the projector manager by default should prevent this from happening as often as it currently is.

2667. By Tim Bentley

Updated translations
fix the script
fix the utf8 blocker for updates

2666. By Tomas Groth

Bug #1487788: Importing photos does not give focus to OpenLP
Bug #1512040: Loop tooltip gets stuck to "Stop playing..."
Bug #1624661: Missing DB in unmounted disk results in Traceback
Clean search lyrics for formatting tags. Fixes bug #1655988.
Fix an issue with easyslide import not handling verse order correctly. Fixes bug #1655985.
Improve the songbeamer encoding detection. Fixes bug #1530597.
Handle a few videopsalm quirks. Fixes bug #1652851.

2665. By Tim Bentley

More Translations

2664. By Tim Bentley

Update the year in headers and about form.

2663. By Raoul Snyman

Fix bug #1645867 by setting an application attribute related to OpenGL
Set the width of the Theme wizard so that it doesn't resize by itself
Hide the splash screen when the backup dialog shows and when the exception form shows
Add icons back into the media library tabs

Add this to your merge proposal:
lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/mac-niggles-2.4 (revision 2666)
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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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