
Created by Nicholas Skaggs and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~nskaggs/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/emulator-docs-try3
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Branch information

Nicholas Skaggs
Ubuntu UI Toolkit

Recent revisions

901. By Nicholas Skaggs

rebuild jenkins

900. By Nicholas Skaggs

add autopilot to build

899. By Nicholas Skaggs

switch doc build to docs-autopilot-emulator directory

898. By Nicholas Skaggs

add docs to deb package

897. By Nicholas Skaggs

fix build depends

896. By Nicholas Skaggs

Rebase to trunk
[ Zsombor Egri ]
* Layouting fails with Qt5.2 if the tests and components are not
  rendered upon testing. Layout unit tests have been transferred to
  X11 unit tests and tests on layout changes all wait till the layout
  change completes. Tested with Qt 5.0.2 and Qt 5.2 RC1. (LP:
* Picker visuals facelift, prepared for Date- and TimePicker
* Picker selectedIndex miss-behavior fix when model is
[ Florian Boucault ]
* List item progression: use appropriate icon (same as Tabs' arrow)
  and fixes the issue of it being the wrong color in Dark and Gradient
  themes. (LP: #1236777)
[ Albert Astals ]
* tst_arguments: Do not use QTEST_MAIN QTEST_MAIN is 99.99% of the
  times what you want when running a Qt testcase but it creates a
  Q*Application and in this case that is not wanted since we are
  creating and destroying them as part of the test and Qt doesn't like
  when there's more than one Q*Application at the same time, so do
  without creating a Q*Application in main. This can of course have
  some implications but it seems that for this testcase all is fine.
  (LP: #1254747)
* Make the model a var and not a ListModel ListModel is bound
  specifically to QQuickListModel By using a var we can use other
  QAbstractItemModel subclasses in the model.
[ Nic ]
* Removed stop animation on text every time an expansion/collapse is
  made. Fixes bug #1231939. (LP: #1231939)
* Fixed scrolling in selector when parent widget's height is less than
  the selector's ListView height. Fixes bug #1256356. (LP: #1256356)
[ Timo Jyrinki ]
* Require either Qt 5.2 or libqt5v8-5-private-dev.
[ tpeeters ]
* Reset hide timer when user interacts with toolbar or toolbar
  buttons. (LP: #1249031)
* Improve detection of tab bar interaction. Now using the new
  TabBar.pressed property instead of TabBar.selectionMode property,
  because selectionMode may be changed without user interaction (for
  example, when resuming an app in a following MR), and then the
  toolbar should not automatically hide.
* Open the toolbar and tabbar (without animating) when the app is
  resumed. (LP: #1246790)
[ Christian Dywan ]
* Accept qmldir files in qmlapicheck and skip internal components.
  (LP: #1256045)
* Suppress qdoc warnings coming from upstream API.
* Conditionally define doc folder containing resources. (LP: #1256779)
* Move doc commands to shellscript and add success output lines.
* Use Eventually when checking that the textfield is empty There's
  always a delay so we can't just compare it. (LP: #1259476)
[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 892

895. By Nicholas Skaggs

force rebuild

894. By Nicholas Skaggs

really fix pep8

893. By Nicholas Skaggs

rebase to trunk
correct depends and pep8
add sphinx documentation

892. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-sdk-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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