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Name Last Modified Last Commit
master 2023-08-15 00:28:12 UTC
Bump packaging to new upstream release v0.11.0

Author: Peter J. Mello
Author Date: 2023-04-29 00:58:52 UTC

Bump packaging to new upstream release v0.11.0

This commit makes the following changes:
- Bump debhelper compatibility level to 13 and
  declare using Build-Depends instead of d/compat
- Bump Debian Standards-Version to 4.6.2
- Update d/copyright to reflect new contributions
  and changes to repository file structure
- Add lintian-overrides file to exempt package
  from false positives and non-applicable errors
- Add upstream/metadata file to supply more
  points of information to users through apt
- Greatly overhaul d/rules file to implement new
  features in debhelper relative to the version
  of Ubuntu being built for. Switch buildsystem
  from CMake to Makefile since the former FTBFS.
  Strip -O2 from CFLAGS and use LTO where
- Add d/watch file to permit using uscan to help
  update the packaging files in the future.

Signed-off-by: Peter J. Mello <admin@petermello.net>

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