- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/saucy/ofono
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 35. By Ricardo Salveti
[ Alfonso Sanchez-Beato ]
* Fix for LP: #1231320: GPRS provisioning is broken for old
(non-USIM) SIM cards in Ubuntu
* Fix for LP: #1222106: ofono is picking the wrong APN settings
in Ubuntu[ Tony Espy ]
* Fix crash in ril_query_passwd_ state() (LP: #1231995). - 34. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
[ Ricardo Salveti de Araujo ]
* Changing packaging tree to make it part of the daily CI jobs
- Changing source format to 1.0 (required by CI)
- Creating bzr bd compatible branch, with the same content as available in
the previous package[ Tony Espy ]
- Ensure that *netreg_data is always set in callback data (LP: #1234491)
- Re-factor rilmodem initialization code to enable set online/offline
(LP: #1210502)
- Fixing parcel parsing when probing for mute.[ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ]
* Make the package use bzr-builddeb split-mode to properly build the source
tarball. - 33. By Ricardo Salveti
* Update debian/compat to 9
* debian/control:
- Bump debhelper build-dep to >= 9
- Make ofono-scripts depend directly on python
- Changing ofono-dev to arch:any, as it contains an arch specific
pkg-config file
- Adding missing dependencies for ofono-dev
* Updated Standard-Version to 3.9.4 - 32. By Tony Espy
* debian/rules: add logic to prevent -dbg package from
being stripped.
* debian/patches/ rilmodem- support. patch: cleanup build warnings. - 31. By Tony Espy
patches/ rilmodem- support. patch: disable unit tests
for PowerPC by adding BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN guards. - 29. By Ricardo Salveti
[ Tony Espy ]
* debian/patches/ forward- port-udev- generation. patch: re-factored
patch to modify Makefile.am instead of Makefile.in.
* debian/patches/ rilmodem- support. patch: added rilmodem code
previously hosted in a touch-specific PPA.
* debian/patches/ nettime- plugin. patch: add nettime plugin.
* debian/rules: converted from cdbs to dh.
* debian/ofono.upstart: disable ril plugin by default to prevent
ofonod from exiting due to lack of RILD socket. This is a
temporary workaround and will be addressed in a further update
to the rilmodem-support. patch. [ Ricardo Salveti de Araujo ]
* Enabling parallel build
* Adding test and maintenance scripts ofono-scripts binary package, useful
for ofono debugging, needed by Ubuntu Touch - 28. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* debian/
patches/ ericsson_ h5321gw_ network_ device_ detection. patch: properly
detect the Lenovo (really Ericsson) H5321gw modem's network adapter device
by matching via udev's DEVTYPE.
* debian/patches/ ericsson_ rules.patch: add a udev rule for the Lenovo H5321gw
to be correctly matched to the mbm driver.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/ofono