
Created by Elliot Murphy and last modified
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Ubuntu One Control Tower
Review team:
Ubuntu One hackers

Recent revisions

284. By Jason Gerard DeRose

Add 'uri_file =' in [couchdb] config section for CouchDB 1.1.1 compatibility

283. By Chad Miller

Ignore dist-generated files.

Export new files with dist.

282. By Chad Miller

New release.

280. By Samuele Pedroni

introduce COUCHDB_INI to control the default.ini when supplying a couchdb exe with COUCH; tiny error logging fix

279. By Chad Miller

Slow down the idle-run function that checks for whether all the blocking semaphores are completed. gobject may call this every chance it gets, which pegs the CPU.

Catch the signal from the service that indicates no response is ever coming, CredentialsNotFound. Don't wait for timeout. Also, in cases where there is no response from the ubuntu-sso client, continue with execution. A dbus method call is waiting on us to complete, probably. desktopcouch can operate without ubuntuone support, so we shouldn't deny it from running altogether.

278. By Chad Miller

Fix one path of a service, where an exception should be received by the calling function (main, except for tests), and since we return out of the finally-block, there's no exception to send. This would make tests very hard to debug when there was a failure.

276. By Eric Casteleijn

* Install the existing apport hook (LP: #791927)
* Fix setup.py so it uses paths relative to the prefix

275. By Chad Miller

Shut down every child when service exits. On SIGTERM or SIGHUP, exit gracefully. (LP: 597197)

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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